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bigtim 14-01-2007 22:53

bov question
Anyone running a blitz bov without any afm probs like tickover dieing when the foot is lifted of the pedal.
bailey dv26 is fine but my first bailey one wasn't but are others,who has one.
I want some more noise:D and better if they are:confused:

adzs12 14-01-2007 23:36

If its a diaphram dump valve then ive only known them to work on cosworths and renault 5 turbos etc for some reason, i originally had one on my s12 when i bought the car and it idled like shit, it was coz the spring was too weak, ya need a piston type m8.

Try an xs power single or twin trumpet like myself, shaun and pukka use, plenty of whoosh whoosh with them;)

PukkaSilvia 15-01-2007 00:13

yup my single trumpet xspower one does the job well,very pleased with it,and its adjustable:). get them on ebay for peanuts

30psi 15-01-2007 00:14

I'm gonna get a recirc, best results with that imo.

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