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-   -   poxy motors! feckin police!!!!!!!!! (http://nissansilvia.co.uk//showthread.php?t=1727)

Beany-s12 29-01-2007 00:49

poxy motors! feckin police!!!!!!!!!
finally got my motor back on the road yesterday after changing the tubby and steering rack! was well chuffed car's goin well and no smoke so me and my mate decided to go playin around a couple of indusrial estates and made loadsa noise with the tyres and our big exhausts! absolutely loved it!
then on the way back into town i heard that familier tappin sound and one of my manifold studs has shat a thread and its the 1 above the tubby so no in place helicoils gotta take the bastard thing off again!
so i told my mate was goin home so we had 1 more little slide round a corner got to the next round about and traffic cops were sittin there waitin 4 us coz they'd recieved complaints! luckily bein a proud s12 owner (and denying all knowledge of the nights happenings) all was legal apart from my front plate so slap on the rist & small fine! my mates a dodgy s14 owner and got done 4 his plates 3 tyres and exhaust which ammused me! then to really top it all off the copper had to ask me wot my was! wot a knob!
bloody good fun though

northerner 29-01-2007 10:14

TBH if your going to take the chance of doing silly things on the public road then be preapred to be caught. Also If you take the chance of running with bald tyres then your mates only got himself to blame. What if he crashed into another car or lost control into a pedestrian. The laws not there to be broken, its for our protection!

Beany-s12 29-01-2007 19:19

we went onto an industrial estate to make sure we were away from pedestrians and other cars! yeah my mates a dodgy s14 owner like i said!

Beany-s12 29-01-2007 19:19

we went onto an industrial estate to make sure we were away from pedestrians and other cars! yeah my mates a dodgy s14 owner like i said!

Beany-s12 29-01-2007 19:19

we went onto an industrial estate to make sure we were away from pedestrians and other cars! yeah my mates a dodgy s14 owner like i said!

Beany-s12 29-01-2007 19:20

dam my laptop is shagged! think i might post that a few more times!

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