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wacomuk 12-01-2006 19:24

floor mats
im sick of using floor mats that dont fit!!! so I made 1 :D


I got some carpet the same colour as my interior, made a template, cut it out (fits like a sock on a ducks lip!) then took it to the local carpet shop to get the edges bound :)

the woman did a good job of the binding


ill get the passenger side and the rears done this weekend hope fully

s13eater 12-01-2006 19:36

fine job mate.:)

kennyboy 12-01-2006 20:21

Carpet fitters
Smashing job there mate ,i reckon you should give up ya day job and start making them for your close friends on the s12oc.lol lol

wacomuk 12-01-2006 20:30


Originally Posted by kennyboy
Smashing job there mate ,i reckon you should give up ya day job

how do you know im not a floor mat maker :D

PukkaSilvia 12-01-2006 20:57

I boufght aftermarket 200sx mats. they fit fine except i need to remove my foot bar from the floor on the passenger side.

How much do you think total cost will be? Its a good idea :cool:

kennyboy 12-01-2006 21:01

Floor mat maker

Originally Posted by wacomuk
how do you know im not a floor mat maker :D

Say it when your drunk lol

wacomuk 12-01-2006 21:26


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
I boufght aftermarket 200sx mats. they fit fine except i need to remove my foot bar from the floor on the passenger side.

How much do you think total cost will be? Its a good idea :cool:

depends on carpet cost. once the template is done there quick to make. the binding was a few £££

I got a role of carpet from the car boot sale 3£ for about 4m by 1m. I don't think it had ever been used. its good hard wearing stuff to

the only prob is it will need to be rubber backed as its a bit light and will prob curl at the edges. maybe Velcro ?

wacomuk 12-01-2006 21:27


Originally Posted by kennyboy
Say it when your drunk lol

ill go get the southen comfort out and try !!

adzs12 13-01-2006 02:14

What did you use for a template?

wacomuk 13-01-2006 16:28

i got some cardboard and cut it to shape! if you push the cardboard in to the edges of the floor it creases giving you a line to cut out !

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