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nots13 24-03-2007 21:41

sorry guys
i tried soooooooo hard to buy another silvia, that one off pistonheads slipped through my fingers. i've ended up buying this now!

still...400 quid...200bhp...0-60 in 6.9 sec.......145mph top speed.

i'll say hi to you all at jae..:D

PukkaSilvia 24-03-2007 23:19

im sure were not as sorry as you will be when you come to your sense's;)

nots13 24-03-2007 23:29

probably:rolleyes: still, at least its fast as feck! they come with a pelequin lsd as starndard too:1la i'm still not ruling out silvia ownership yet thought, cos out of the 8 cars i've had so far my silvia was one of 2 that i actually got rid of through choice! ( to by a manual one, the one i was gonna get though got sold the day i sold mine! doh!!!):p the rest broke!:eek:

JackieFan 25-03-2007 03:49


Originally Posted by nots13 (Post 16179)
i tried soooooooo hard to buy another silvia, that one off pistonheads slipped through my fingers. i've ended up buying this now!

still...400 quid...200bhp...0-60 in 6.9 sec.......145mph top speed.

i'll say hi to you all at jae..:D

Not that hard, I've seen at least three up for that price sinse you sold yours ;)

Try and get to 60 in 6.9...... I bet you're dissapointed, and then the head gasket will die!

nots13 25-03-2007 10:24

not with steel clinger gaskets it wont! where were you lookin? i genuinly looked everywhere for one!

JackieFan 25-03-2007 11:19

In that case the next thing to fall off it will be the gearbox, oh and don't wind the boost up any more, it will make 220BHP but probably only once ;)

There is one on ebay now ready to go for £250, all the links get posted here. Someone did the looking for me!

nots13 25-03-2007 12:28

there really wasn't any silvias about when i was lookin though. just that one on pistonheads, i rung the guy up and he said somebody was coming to buy it that afternoon. doh!! a bit late now:confused: like i said though, i'll more than likely get another one in the near future, in he mean time i'll just enjoy laughing at the boy racers as they're pride and joy gets a whuppin by an old man's land barge!!:1la

nissan_turbs 26-03-2007 01:15

I gave up my first Silvia for one of these. Not trying to put down your new purchase, but I had quite a few problems with it, and it wasnt all that fast. To be honest, I would say it would be beaten hands down by a Silvia with a few basic mods.

Some honest advice though,

Do not EVER remove the top water pipe on the rad (the small one on the right that goes to the turbo.) Seriously, take it off at the other end or something, as the bit it connects to is plastic and snaps (hand on heart, I went through 6 radiators in my time of ownership, as they all have the same problem.)

Dont wind the boost up, they really dont like it, especially the later ones (with 'Injection' written on the inlet manifold, instead of 'Turbo'.)

Dont try too many hard launches, the gearboxes are made of cheese.

And watch out for brake fade.

Other than that, they are a fairly cool sleeper car.

nots13 26-03-2007 15:38

That sounds like a challenge mate!!! lol..Yours must have been broken, or the boost modulater valve was only giving you 9psi of boost like they often do! cos i really wouldn't count on it being beaten by a silvia with " a few basic mods" cos my old one was one such car. (seat cupra intercooler, 10psi boost) and it was still no-where near as quick as this. the gear box's are strong enough its the driveshaft output bearings that collapse, but these can be upgraded, they are boost-limited in first gear to help too. also its a proven fact that you can get a genuinely reliable 220-225bhp out of these engines. oh and the car isn't that heavy too. 1120kg. yeah i've seen a number of poeple who have accidently snapped off the little top hose!:eek:

JackieFan 26-03-2007 15:50

Ok ;)

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