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Magoo 06-04-2007 22:32

Boost Gauge Problem
Fitted an Autometer boost gauge and wired it up.

But when I start the engine the gauge reads -20. I took the original dash boost gauge pipe off ( near brake master cylinder) and fitted the pipe there.

The pipe is a little lose and I wondered if that had something to do with an incorrect reading?

s12Rob 06-04-2007 22:37

i think -20 is normal for vucum but dont hold me to it, where the hose goes onto the guage it that tight

sideways danny 06-04-2007 23:37

18-20 inHg of vacuum is healthy :)

Magoo 07-04-2007 00:56

when the car is being driven will I then see what boost it is kicking.

Its standard at the moment waiting for my T5 intercooler etc to be fitted.

Is standard around 6-7psi?

s12Rob 07-04-2007 08:01

yes std is about that mark, once u have your ic fitted you may see 8 but then wind up up to 12psi and have some fun, have yo had air filter and exhaust yet?

if not they should be your next mod, the std exhaust is so restritive

bigtim 08-04-2007 14:39

you will have to get rid of the standard safety valve before you wind the boost up though:)

datdrift 08-04-2007 14:42

or you can just put a cable tie or two over the safety valve;)

s12Rob 08-04-2007 15:03

why do that when a blanking plug will cost about 3 quid from b&q. you know its safe then, if your turn it up before you fit the ic, dont turn it up past 10psi. i learnt that lesson by melting a piston

Magoo 08-04-2007 21:11

Will heed your advice and buy a blanking plug and wind up to 10psi.

Got K+N on just need the exhaust sorting.

Does anyone have one for sale or know of a good way to sort rear box. All ones on eBay seem too short and would need lengthening slightly.

s12Rob 08-04-2007 23:25

goto your local powerflow place and get a 2.5" straight through system with a can on the end

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