S12OC UK Forum

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graememk 30-04-2007 23:33

anyone running megasquirt
is ther anyone running a remapable megasquirt on there s12 ?

30psi 30-04-2007 23:34

Nope no one here (other than you). There is one fella running a chipped Peugeot ECU to run his, and the other is on Omex.

graememk 30-04-2007 23:43

well if anyone wants a base map to start with it looks like i'm your man

ChEsTeR 12-10-2008 23:21

Hi im curently trying to install a megasquirt on my s12.
Did you have any succes with seting the base maps?

gripo 13-10-2008 17:46

I am Omex aswell

ChEsTeR 17-10-2008 09:31

I have finaly managed to fit MS2 to s12 ca18et.
No modifications are required to the ecu as well as to stock sensors.
You need to ad only a Air temperarue sensor. And it works grate.

Oscar 17-10-2008 14:27

sounds promising mate, you'll have to keep us informed how you get on with it

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