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s12nelly16v 23-06-2007 13:10

coming out !!
hi everyone !! My mission is to get her out of the garage ! shes been in there for nearly 5 yrs :( ! i know im gonna have a tricky time strippin her down but i am lookin forward to it ! I do need a exhaust, so if anyone has one or could make one up for me that will be a great start ! the engine is a fj20 so any help on upgrades like injectors, correct oil type ! and any genarl help will be grateful !:D . this will be a ongoing project so fingers crossed ! :) :) :)

s13eater 23-06-2007 14:57

what part of the exhaust do you need ?i have a good front pipe.

JackieFan 23-06-2007 19:11

Stick some photos up too, it'll be nice to see the Wee Beastie!

PukkaSilvia 25-06-2007 21:11

Heat Porting
Increase Cr
Change the cam profiles
2 1/2" exhasut system
Fit a pair of 48dcoe carbs.........
fit an electric cooling fan


That would be the route i would like to try......

30psi 25-06-2007 22:32

The FJ20's already come with electric fans, so scrub that off your list.

I'd like to see one of these with an 11:1 compression, that should improve things no end. The standard compression is very sensible and emissions friendly.

Some mappable ignition would be good too, get some good advance down the bottom end to increase the torque.

List of possibilities is endless, me personally I'd turbo it.

PukkaSilvia 26-06-2007 08:02

really! I never new they came with twin electric fans as standard. Why would nissan do that for them and not the later ca models:confused:

30psi 26-06-2007 09:14

There's no space for a viscous fan

s12nelly16v 27-06-2007 09:22

thanx !
hi guys thanx for all your interests ! i'd thought about slamin a turbo on but the compression is to high and to get new pistons was gonna cost about £80 each ! owtch , so i'm open for ideas, as for the exhaust, my front pipe seems to be ok ! but the rest is on its way out so if anyones got a staight through pipe 2 1/2 - 3 in through to the rear, i have a 'magnex' back box to hook up to, i also need full suspention as mine has about shot it, anyone knows of a good stiff 'n' low set-up , that would be great ! i know i have alot of ideas but sadly not alot of money , all offers and ideas will be read and contemplated thanx again , Neil

s13eater 27-06-2007 09:53

hi mate, you can run a turbo on std compression, its been done by a couple of guys in aus on fj20.com, and still running after 2 years at 18psi, you could always have a slightly thicker copper gasket on it, i think they saw around 350+ bhp.

s12nelly16v 27-06-2007 10:01

cool i was told it would'nt run ! the compresion of 10:1 was to high and it would blow the engine even if driven like a old lady ! i have a turbo would it take much to fit !?!

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