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PukkaSilvia 23-07-2007 11:16

Flame me here........
Il be putting a parts list up in a bit and adding to it over the next few weeks. Im going to be breaking my s12 up for bits and getting a corrolla ae86 and a standard low miliage s12 instead.


Looking at rpettafor and shauns cars this weekend and seeing a few corrolla's i think id like to invest in a corrolla as a project and have a mint s12 as a sort of concourse car rather than a tuning project. So i wont be dissappearing. Il still maintain the club and be at jae etc with all the stuff. I dont really want to hang around with any other mongs.

JackieFan 23-07-2007 11:19


PukkaSilvia 23-07-2007 11:22

lmao you bastid

JackieFan 23-07-2007 11:28

Yup, probably best change the signature too ;)

PukkaSilvia 23-07-2007 11:40

lol theres a better update

JackieFan 23-07-2007 11:41

Haha, trenchfoot! Classic! :D

30psi 23-07-2007 13:38

I think you're best to go out in an AE86 before comitting to owning one.

I went out in one, and whilst being dynamically very good, you had to rev the knockers off of it just to get something out of it. Very drift biased attitude from people about them as well. You will be called a gayboy unless you drift every corner you come across. Just something I've noticed lol

They are probably very good for grip though. However have you considered for the same type of money (£4k?) something like a 4 pot LHD M3?

JackieFan 23-07-2007 13:51

All Hondas are like that too though, They are designed to be thrashed, it's how they make their power :D ..... plus they sound awesome

Wocketfast 23-07-2007 13:58


Seriously though its alot of money for not alot of car, bit like buying the kings new clothes, all hype based on an average cartoon if you ask me.

PukkaSilvia 23-07-2007 14:04

i think id vtec it with an h20 engine martin. Like what was in my prelude.
Its just my work rubbing off on me. Do you by any chance know what weights you can get them down too .

Ive done so much to the s12 that im not happy that its not perfect. I will look out for a mk2 f or g plate in as mint as poss condition. they do turn up and there cheap. Whereas i have the feeling the corrollas are going to cntinue to climb in value over the next few years

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