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duncan 24-07-2007 21:03

bit of an expensive jae
jae got a whole lot more expensive on sun nite for me. was staying in services in telford when my hyd hand brake decided to release the pressure on the rear wheels:eek: :mad:
the car rolled down the hill and tore the wing mirroe down the whole side of a crysler voyager then kept rolling and landed on the grass after mounting a 7" high kerb:furious
thankfully no one was hurt and the car stopped lust before the 2meter dyke that was behind the hedge. there isn't any damage to my car but the fright of gettin a phone call from the cops when asleep is enough.
now i have a very complicated insurance cliam on my hands and a hefty bill when i go to renew my policy:( :(

rpettafor 24-07-2007 21:08

Damn, that really sucks, hope it gets sorted alright

Btw, why was there a 6'6" lesbian behind the hedge:D

PukkaSilvia 24-07-2007 21:12


Originally Posted by rpettafor (Post 19229)
Btw, why was there a 6'6" lesbian behind the hedge:D

very smart lol:p

Thats savage Duncan. It could of been alot worse. Leave the bugger in gear from now on. Have you found out were the pressure went?

duncan 24-07-2007 21:17

i did hear some russling in the bushes:D
i honestly don't know. there was plenty pressure when i parked it but when i found it on the grass the lever came up another 3 clicks. it didn't leak and i haven't had any problem with it last night but the lever is coming up a lot further than usual

30psi 25-07-2007 00:11

Thats the danger of relying on hydraulic handbrakes, the pressure will eventually leak past the seals on the master cylinder, hence why cable handbrakes are essential.

Shame though, but at least no one was hurt

s13eater 25-07-2007 00:42

what a shit, bad news that mate:( .

CNHSS1 25-07-2007 10:59

other problem can be putting the handbrake on when the discs and cals are hot, as they cool they lose the grip on the disc.

Wocketfast 25-07-2007 11:01

Bad news that :( good job no one was hurt though.

Vaugly remember seeing something like this on the old citroens on TV once, when they cooled down the cars would just roll off. Wonder if they had a hydralic handbrake fitted as well? or if it was just french and therefore sh*te

JackieFan 25-07-2007 11:28

It might be worth putting a line lock in for the rear part of the system. That way you can pump it up with the foot brake and then lock it off. It shouldn't free up when the disks cool down then. What Pukka said is best though, always leave it in gear as a safety net. Hope it doesn't cost you to much to sort out :)

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