old-and-rusty |
30-07-2007 22:12 |
The Monday controversial thread
I`m bored tonight, so I thought I`d ask the million dollar question :D
If your "better half" gave the ultimatum, "the s12 has to go or I do".
Would you :-
A). Say "yes my darling, love of my life, I will sell it tomorrow".:ghey
B). Say "don`t let the door smack you on the arse on the way out, the car stays". :furious
C). Transfer the registration document over in to his/her name, so that they feel too guilty to get rid of your pride and joy. :p
D). Hide the car round at your mate`s garage and only drive it when the other half is visiting their parents. :(
E). Buy your partner an s12 of their own, so that you can bitch at them for being under the bonnet at 10 pm at night. ;)
F). Accidentally run over him/her with a monster truck and bury them in the foundations of the new air conditioned garage that you are having built for your s12. :shoot
I told you I was bored :p :p :p