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NIZMAINIAC 30-01-2006 19:04

hi there peeps
just another newbie sayin hi:) , i've previously owned 2 other silvias and thought that they were great little cars, i then took the plunge into pulsar ownership and haven't looked back since . I've had the car for just over 3 years and never had a single problem with it until last year when i crashed it:furious . i'll be the first to admit that yes i was going too fast and it was my fault ( i hit a right hander on a hump at between 90-100mph , took off , landed in a hedge , managed to get it out of the hedge ,then touched the hedge on the other side of the road then did a 360 and ended up blocking the road totally:eek: i didn't hit any other cars and walked away without a single scratch:1la , the only problem with this was i only had third party fire and theft insurance so i couldn't even claim on that:trout ). But any way what i was wondering was can i take all of the running gear from my pulsar and put it in a silvia, everything looks to be nigh on the same as regsrds to the front bottom arms and the rear cradle/ crossmember looks nigh on the same too . if i can get all the 4wd stuff in then i will , and i know that people have put in s13 motors before aswell, i even saw a silvia with what looked like a skyline motor in it on motors tv the other night ( jap nismo festival) so surely this must be possible if not i can always go rear drive and just put the pulsar engine in with a different gearbox and rear diff. Any input would be greatly appreciated . Cheers guys. Rob

PukkaSilvia 30-01-2006 21:19

The sr20 has been put in the silvia before. Normally with the s14 as the doner car due to the transmission. It would make a really good car if you actually did it

Welcome to the site. :)

NIZMAINIAC 30-01-2006 22:05

i want to do it but i have to find out if its fesable first and i have to get another s12 too

wacomuk 30-01-2006 22:13


Originally Posted by NIZMAINIAC
i even saw a silvia with what looked like a skyline motor in it on motors tv the other night ( jap nismo festival)

that might be a fj20 lump. s12 came with theses as NA over hear but turbo chaged on japan

NIZMAINIAC 31-01-2006 00:32

nah i'm pretty sure it was a 6 cyl, i used to have an fj20 silvia, this motor had twin turbos just like a skyline motor , and it was a fair bit longer too , i've seen enuff skyline motors in the flesh to know the difference:)

datdrift 31-01-2006 14:59

personally i wouldent bother trying to make it 4wd:ghey it would be alot easier just getting a s14 box/prop and make it rwd, im not sure if there are many/any differences between s14/pulsar sr20's?

NIZMAINIAC 31-01-2006 15:26

i don't like doing things the easy way, iv'e already got all the running gear so i might aswell use it, that silvia i saw on the nismo festival was 10 litre and 570 bhp , it looked more like a silhouette racer:)

datdrift 31-01-2006 16:23

i still reckon you would be better off forking out for a s14 box and just going rwd:confused: also if you go 4wd there may be clearance issues as the pulsar uses a transverse engine layout rather than in line + different engine mount positions + .......... but if you want a challenge why not:)

FLEXXX 31-01-2006 16:34

hello there i would love to see if it is possible ive got a spare s12 if you need a car as it would be a good home for it to go too if its going to have a 4wd conversion :D

NIZMAINIAC 31-01-2006 16:59

yeah i know the pulsar has a transverse engine layout , but the pulsar is no wider than a silvia which is what set me off thinkin about it, i'm pretty sure it can be done , it's just gonna take a bit of work thats all , you know what they say , where there's a will there a way, flexx m8 thanks for the offer of an s12 but i'm in south devon and i don't have a car trailer , what sort of money where you thinkin of for it ?

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