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lmrdave 18-09-2007 13:01

Air con removal
I'll be having the rad out on wednesday, so I was planning on ripping the AC out aswell.

Any problems just removing it up to the bulkhead? and taking the drive belt off?

Just thought I'd ask just in case!:ghey

30psi 18-09-2007 13:33

Thats how I did it mate. Mine wasn't pressurized so it wasn't an issue. If yours is pressurized you should bleed it off properly, but then I'd be tempted to just undo the pipes and see what happens instead :D

lmrdave 18-09-2007 14:05

No idea if it's pressurised, will find out on wednesday.

Is there a cover plate on non AC'd S12's that I can put on if I take the condensor off, or can it just be removed and left?

Sorry for all the questions! :D

30psi 18-09-2007 14:13

I think the pipes still poke out the firewall an inch or 2 after you've undone the pipes. Could be wrong though, was years ago when I did it.

lmrdave 18-09-2007 15:19

That won't be a problem they are well out of the way, I can soon plug them.

I'll might have a bit more time on it at the weekend, after I've fitted my new brakes, and springs and filled the front struts with oil :1la all my bits came today woohoo!

rpettafor 18-09-2007 16:20

when i took mine out i took the whole lot, inc everything behind the dash as well, it didnt take too much longer

lmrdave 19-09-2007 07:43

I'll strip it back to the bulkhead tonight as the rads got to come out, but I also want to get my new discs and pads fitted if possible.

Sorting the suspension out on saturday and see if any bushes need replacement, if i have any time left after that I look into dragging the rest out :D

lmrdave 24-09-2007 06:51

Stripped it off at the weekend as I couldn't get my front struts off as the blow torch had run out of gas :furious

Bottom fins on the rad have rotted out due to massive amounts of crap held between the AC rad and the radiator.

s13eater 24-09-2007 07:31

them bottom bolts on the struts are cnuts for sheering off without heat, mine has has the a/c taken off before i got it, they do stick out just over an inch, i never thought, i had the dash out the other month to fit the pedal box, i should of taken the rest of the a/c out then:rolleyes: .

lmrdave 24-09-2007 15:36

If anyone want the AC pipes that attach to the pump I have a set you can have for free, they got taken off properly, not butched like the rest of it :shoot

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