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Beany-s12 01-01-2008 17:41

rally car pics?
any one got more pics of this car?

PukkaSilvia 01-01-2008 18:55

nice signature.

I own you, i bought you on facebook. While on the subject stop buying my missus you bastid, if her price keeps going up i wont be able to afford to buy her off the next bastid

I havnt seen those 2 pics before. there good.

Have you tried google images

Beany-s12 01-01-2008 19:50

yeah i know u can't afford her soon! i saw her message to u bout not buyin her haha!
tried google but couldn't find more! But i do have special needs with computers :rolleyes:

Oscar 01-01-2008 19:52

i want those graphics!

s13eater 01-01-2008 20:13

me and rich k have bought a die cast safari model, same graffics;) .

Beany-s12 01-01-2008 21:29

a mate of mine has the gear to make graffics! so i wanna c if he can make these up for my next one! was gonna go pink and black but change of plan if i can get this done instead! just cant find anything of bonnet, roof and back!:(
do u reckon your diecast ones would show up clear enough for him to see properly?

s13eater 01-01-2008 21:41

i bet it would mate, i'll let you know when it comes;)

CNHSS1 01-01-2008 22:04

there were some pics on sx"c iirc of the nissan museum with all their road and race/rally cars, maybe google that, or search on sx'c

s13eater 01-01-2008 22:17


Beany-s12 01-01-2008 22:47


Originally Posted by CNHSS1 (Post 22747)
there were some pics on sx"c iirc of the nissan museum with all their road and race/rally cars, maybe google that, or search on sx'c

do u mean this link?
this one was on retrorides! couldn't find it on sxoc
only pic i could find on there was

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