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ScoupeS12 16-04-2008 14:09

Fuel pumps
Will a facelift S13 fuel pump fit the mk2 S12?

Cheers guys

30psi 16-04-2008 15:09

Can be modded to fit, but why?

They don't actually appear to be as reliable as S12 pumps. If you're concerned about your current pump just upgrade to a walbro

ScoupeS12 16-04-2008 17:14

No it died yesterday :( (in the middle of a busy roundabout :P)

And I'm poor 'til payday on friday, but i really need the car to get back and forth to work in the meantime.

There is a 13 in the scrappy by my house, but funnily enough, no S12's

So wondering if I could bash that one in for the meantime so that the car is driveable....how much modding do they need to fit?


PukkaSilvia 16-04-2008 18:12

a few zipties that is all. yes it will fit. It will become apparent once you have it apart. :)

ScoupeS12 16-04-2008 18:14

Absolutely ideal lol. Sounds exactly like the sort of temporary fix i was looking for.

Do i use the S12 pump carrier/casing with the S13 pump in it?

Or just the whole S13 pump?

Because I don't have the S13 one to look at until tomorrow.

Cheers Pukka....legend (and 30psi :))

30psi 16-04-2008 18:37

Where are you based, I have an S12 one removed from the assembly

ScoupeS12 16-04-2008 18:38

Paignton in Devon buddy

That would be ideal

Where are you?

30psi 16-04-2008 18:41

Not local to there, I'm in Essex. You won't get it until Friday at the best, and that's even if I manage to get to a post office tomorrow.

ScoupeS12 16-04-2008 18:42

That would be better than still looking for one. lol

What do you reckon are the chances of you getting it posted tomorrow matey?


PukkaSilvia 16-04-2008 20:24

yes you use the s12 carrier

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