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-   -   I've gained a hissing experts required please (http://nissansilvia.co.uk//showthread.php?t=3177)

Paul Smith 17-04-2008 20:22

I've gained a hissing experts required please

Hope some one can help i have got my ca18et running but she dies after a few secs of running but if i turn the ignition key but don't start her i gain a hissing noise from some where around the inlet i will try and add a you tube thing so you can hear it listen carefully,



pic from today

youtube (sorry about the quality)


PukkaSilvia 17-04-2008 21:37

its most probably a vacuum leak. your just going to have to search for the hissing.

wacomuk 17-04-2008 21:38

get a gas blow lamp, don't light it but turn the gas on. move it around where the noise is coming from, when it finds the leak the gas will be drawn in and the revs should increase

kennyboy 18-04-2008 00:16

Same as above really just have a good hunt around for split pipes, is that running gear in a micra, if so your a star as thats what i am getting towards doind when the silvy( if it ever) dies, bet its a bit nippy when its right and sorted.:D :D

30psi 18-04-2008 09:15

Probably the brake servo having a leak

Paul Smith 18-04-2008 15:39

Right i have sussed one problem.

after one nights logical thinking and a good nights sleep, i thought of the answer and i was right.

Its the air flow sensor (the little silver hitachi box), i know should have checked this first after the problems micra's have.

so just gotta find a new one now, anyone got one for sale?

cheers Paul

30psi 18-04-2008 15:51

Yeah that would make sense I guess. I actually misread your first post and thought it was running fine but you got a hiss after you turned it off lol

northerner 18-04-2008 19:25

Silviagod is breaking one at the moment

PukkaSilvia 18-04-2008 22:06

in the video it was hissing while its running

Paul Smith 19-04-2008 13:38

The engine isn't running in the vid, the key was turned so there was power but not running?

could it be the fuel flowing through?

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