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Oscar 20-04-2008 00:28

the end of my s12
today i said farewell to the silvia... Over the last few days ive had the car in pieces inspecting the rot, and had my uncle (welder) over to look at it, and we both thought it was realisticly un do able, so i part-exed it in and for the short term i have a 04 1.5 almera.. And frankly its not much fun. So im gona keep my eye out for a project...

PukkaSilvia 20-04-2008 10:21

thats a shame but for the price of a good one sometimes it noe worth messing around. What sort of project are you thinking about doing

old-and-rusty 20-04-2008 12:19

That`s a real shame mate :( .

Hope you find something else to play with. What about a det powered Almera, that would be fun...LOL...;) .


zxocmars 20-04-2008 12:33

That is a shame. I loved that car.

Sorry it didn't work out for you

Oscar 21-04-2008 18:37

well i stil own a low milege sr20, maybe a bluey, maybe inport a exa, but it wil be a nissan! The almera only done 20k, and has a nissan warrenty so cant chop it up yet lol

old-and-rusty 21-04-2008 21:43


Originally Posted by Oscar (Post 25687)
The almera only done 20k, and has a nissan warrenty so cant chop it up yet lol

Go on get the grinder out, you know you want to....LOL....:D .

Seriously though, that`s low mileage for an 04 plate, not even run in yet ;) . My 06 Mondeo has more miles on it....LOL....


Oscar 22-04-2008 09:54

haha, had a nice drive to work in it, country road 3rd gear, banging on the limiter lol, im giving it 1 week b4 its buggerd! I want to find a wingroad!

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