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30psi 14-02-2006 15:04

FAO S13Eater
Where is your air temp sensor located? Is it in the intercooler pipe or the manifold?

s13eater 14-02-2006 17:31

its in the inlet manifold martin,why are you fitting your dta soon?

30psi 14-02-2006 18:51

Just considering putting the sensor in the intercooler pipe before the TB to save me having to take the manifold off to tap a thread into it. Might have to take it apart anyway to get the injectors out

s13eater 14-02-2006 19:05

norris mapped mine in that boss on my ic pipe and ken finns is in his ic pipe, but i was told it was better in the plenum, so i changed mine top the plenum.

gripo 14-02-2006 20:52

wheres mine shaun? is it that thing in the side of the plenum?

s13eater 14-02-2006 21:18


Originally Posted by gripo
wheres mine shaun? is it that thing in the side of the plenum?


CNHSS1 17-02-2006 11:39

mines in the plenum too.

30psi 17-02-2006 11:49

Don't think i can be bothered to put it in the plenum

Where do you lot have the map sensor tapped into? Have you teed it off of the vacuum line to the pressure reg of a specific take off from the plenum?

CNHSS1 17-02-2006 13:10

mines off the std tapped hole (has a blanking screw in from the factory in scims) that faces passenger wing.
I have drilled and tapped the plenum about an 1.5" above that hole for teh air temp sensor so its in direct airflow from the TB. My thinking was (and im probably wrong...) that it would be in the airflow that was most likely to be an accurate representation of the actual temperature.

30psi 17-02-2006 13:22

Yeah my thoughts as well for the air temp hence the intercooler pipe location.

I could put it in the back of the inlet manifold as there is a removable plate easy to tap but it cant be a very good representation of the real temperature

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