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WM-S12 22-06-2008 23:50

Wiper Problem
Recently I had to make a 50 mile trip from were I live, I'd bodged the drivers wiper to work as the other side somehow doesn't work with the wiper arm bolted on ( no idea as it links the drivers one via the linkage and motor on the passenger side in the engine bay )

My bodging broke off and left me with no wipers in the pouring rain, spent 30 minutes out side, open terrain, winds and rain lashing down one side of me as I braved the scottish weather to get it fixed.....worked for about 5 miles then kaput again!
Ended up driving 40+ miles without wipers in the rain....tricky but I used the road markins and the rear lights of the car's in front....and I'm back.

Anyone know how the drivers side wiper linkage connects, I can see theres a small like ball joint that holds it in but mine just falls off all the time, is there a special clip that goes on it....or do I have to source an entire wiper linkage set?

If anyone know's how to sort this let me know asap, or if it is replace-able but relatively cheap also lend me a hand. It ain't a car if you can't drive it when you want :furious :trout

s13eater 23-06-2008 07:42

there a nylon bush that when worn it pops out, its a twat of a job, i can remember fixing japsters, luckily it poed straight in for me, i used a big crow bar and levered it in.

silviagod 23-06-2008 09:35

You can buy the nylon cups from Nissan, they are not that expensive but as Shaun says they are a tw@t to change. you have to push them in place and turn them through 45 degrees to lock in place and then you have to force them onto the ball part of the joint. It can be done with everything in place but wrap a rag around your forearm otherwise you could cut yourself on the edge of the metal of the bodywork. The old Micra and Bluebird use the same nylon cups so Nissan should have some in stock. Taking the whole lot out could be easier but often the bolts holding the pivot posts sieze on. If you can get them off I would fit them off the car. You will find a nut at the back of the motor behind the firewall panel, you can remove the linkage from there too. I think it takes a 12mm spanner. If one has popped off the other will be worn too so do them both. Good luck. Paul.

WM-S12 23-06-2008 12:17

cheers for that information, but I've already cut myself just squeezing my hand in the gaps just trying to bodge it together the other day.

Thought something held it together just didn't know what, always handy coming here to ask first before getting a garage to check it over and give me a completely different diagnostic. I'll let you know how I get on, again cheers for the help, much appreciated :D

umpkin 23-06-2008 17:46

when i did mine, i think i popped them on first, they go on easier that way, and then put it in the arm, and twisted to lock. dont quote me on that thou.

northerner 23-06-2008 20:31

Yep you pop the nylon bush on the Wiper ball first then that pushes onto the rod. Once in then turn it to lock in place :cool:

WM-S12 24-06-2008 00:30

just got an email from the nissan dealership closest to me ( 30 miles ) say's there £2.29 a piece so I'm buying 2, 1 for now and 1 goes in the toolbox for future use :D

Wouldn't know were to start if I didn't ask in the forum first, cheer's!!!! Just gota wait.....hope it's not a rainy day when the parts get in :trout

umpkin 24-06-2008 06:53

when mine went, i got all of them, and changed them all, saves having to do it again another day. i think 3 were the same and one was different, was a while ago now though.

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