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badgerboy 01-12-2008 11:55

S12 boost issues
Hi guys,

Finally fitted my cossie intercooler, new plugs gapped at 0.9mm, MBC and setup the standard T2 to run about 10-12psi.

Was pulling really well but now have developed a hesitation at 4.5 to 5k like it's under fuelling but have checked fuel pressure and all within specs.

Car drives normally ok just when you plant it you get this stutter.

Also running on 98 ron fuel and timing is at standard.

Can anyone help as I'm at bit stumped ?


tractor-boy 01-12-2008 13:29

Air leak somewhere along the air intake? I was having the same problem and traced it down to that.

badgerboy 01-12-2008 13:31

I'll check the plumbing out when I get a spare minute.

Thanks for the heads up !


ChEsTeR 01-12-2008 14:03

chech the fuel preasure under load. On idle even a dieing pump will have good readings.

northerner 01-12-2008 14:29

FPR could be maxing out and for that matter the injectors too

tractor-boy 01-12-2008 15:08

Wouldn't imagine they'd me maxing out at that, could be wrong though. Was running 12-14 psi with a saab intercooler, no other supporting mods and never missed a beat.

badgerboy 01-12-2008 15:35

Thanks guys I'll check all out when I can and let you know as maybe helpful to someone in future.


badgerboy 03-12-2008 10:36


The pipe to the Fuel reg was split so replaced and all ok now.
It goes like sh1t off a shovel !!


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