S12OC UK Forum

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-   -   new club graphics... opinions please (http://nissansilvia.co.uk//showthread.php?t=359)

ONION 19-02-2006 23:51

new club graphics... opinions please
ok jon asked me to design some s12 drift graphics.

let us know what you think of them, how they could be improved etc or if you like the design.


PukkaSilvia 19-02-2006 23:55

Thanks Dave ;)

Im happy with them. I will make a bulk order on behalf of the club if members like them

30psi 19-02-2006 23:58

Too similar to the OPT drift club logo if ya ask me.

PukkaSilvia 20-02-2006 00:01

:D that was the base idea Martin lol.

Any other suggestions.I like the new design

30psi 20-02-2006 00:06


It will just be the first thing that drift people will notice.

I think an silhouette of the car going sideways is a better idea with just a small bit of text. An AE86 image could be easily modified.

Something based around this would be cool:


PukkaSilvia 20-02-2006 00:18

What do you think Dave, could we try one of these as an idea also?

ONION 20-02-2006 00:18

the graphics would then need to be big.
small stickers would not have any car detail... it would be more like a little blob that looks like a car...

PukkaSilvia 20-02-2006 00:51


ONION 20-02-2006 00:56


adzs12 20-02-2006 00:56


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