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Draconis 07-06-2009 01:59

idle talk
Hey mates. I was wondering how many of you all watch Top Gear. It's a bit lss than 3 weeks if I remember for the new series to start. I have been watching what I have on my computer (series 1-12) lately while waiting.

On a side note, I know 2012 the Olympics will be held in London. How's construction been or what do you feel about it.

PukkaSilvia 07-06-2009 12:37

top gear is filmed half an hour away from me. im on the reserve audience list:)

CamInHead 07-06-2009 13:30

doesn't the TG waiting list have a crazy wait, like 100 years or something ?

Draconis 07-06-2009 21:20

How long is the waiting list? I would love to go to a filming of it while I visit there in a couple of years. Maybe I should get on the list now so by the time I can be in the audience, I'll be able to visit.

PukkaSilvia 08-06-2009 07:03

Not sure what TG is? I use Applause store. Ive already been to 2 of the shows

Each year it gets refreshed and eery member gets an email saying to confirm there interest in there particular shows. Just be quick and respond soon as poss.

I keep getting offered tickets by them to poxy big brother all the time. IM NOT INTERESTED LOL:p

Draconis 08-06-2009 20:38

Thanks Pukka. I bookmarked it and will be prepared in the next year to two. I dont see them canceling the show any time soon so I'm hoping I can make it out well enough.

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