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Draconis 27-06-2009 21:08

installing headlamp grilles
To those who know how to do this, could you tell me where to bolt the two pieces of metal up? I got a headlamp assembly and started working on it but they didnt match up where I had in mind and I dont know which is to go where seeing that they are slightly angled and of different design.


PukkaSilvia 28-06-2009 11:08

you need the mk1 headlamp assembly and lamps.

Draconis 28-06-2009 20:47

That I do. I have a set of MKI and MKII head lamps. But where exactly do they bolt onto? I thought they bolted onto the outside of the housing but it is way too small. Like it goes on either side of the actual sealed bulb and bolts into some place inside.

Draconis 28-06-2009 21:30

Okay, here is the only picture I have to go from. As of now, I do not know where to align the grilles to bolt into the headlamps. I'm almost wondering if my headlamps are different. That would be really annoying. If someone could take some pics, it would be really helpful.



chewingtobaco 16-12-2009 21:32

light grilles
been looking at this too sinse i have mine stripped at mo and looks like you have to drill out the pop rivets holding the sealed beam cup to the housing and use them as the fixing points, bolting on the inside of housing like you said...;)

going to have a go making some i think...

umpkin 16-12-2009 22:42

i have them fitted to mine as standard, if you dont mind a small wait ill see if i can get out and have a look, might have to be the weekend, as i go to work in the dark, and come home in the dark, so all round its dark, lol.

chewingtobaco 17-12-2009 16:27

nice 1 cheerz man.

Draconis 17-12-2009 17:56

Yeah, that would be great! I have been looking at what I have with the hardware and have been confused as to exactly how they are to mount in. I've just waited as it's not been high on the priority list but pics would def. help and I can get on it and have them finished before my swap is.

PukkaSilvia 18-12-2009 18:00

mk1 1 and mk2 headlamps are different.

Draconis 18-12-2009 18:49

Ah ok. Well I have a set of MKI and MKII head lamp housings, so if needs be I'll swap over but even then, I cannot figure out how the two are different and where to mount them.

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