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Ronin 23-08-2009 17:12

Electrical Problem
I tried to start the car today but all though it will fire and run for a few seconds it won't run. I don't think that the fuel pump is priming plus I have no electrics to the dash, stereo or lights of any kind but the wipers and windows work. I am thinks there's a bad earth somewhere or something has anyone had the same trouble or similar? If so what was it?
Any help appreciated.

umpkin 24-08-2009 00:43

dunno bout dash lights, but i know when i have had my engine out before, it none of the engine wires are connected the pump wont prime, there is a big earth point on the top front LHS of the head (as you look front eh front of the car), check there.

have you done any work on it lately??

also check fuses,

also the fusible links on the +ve bat terminal.

Ronin 24-08-2009 17:06

No I have not done any work recently and I should of said that I have check the fuse and fusible links and they are all ok. I know the earths your on about the ones for the injectors and they are all on firmly as are the battery terminals.
It's got to be a loose connection or earth but where I don't know.

Ronin 29-08-2009 12:01

I now have all the electrics back, don't ask how as I don't know I had a fiddle with things ant they are back, but the engine will run but not tick over and the fuel pressure is fluctuating a lot when running could this be an earth problem or a problem with the throttle position sensor?

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