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sjef200sxTurbo 07-09-2009 16:15

weird fuel problem
yesterday my 84 ca18et was running fine, did some donuts everything perfect.
I let it idle for about 15 minutes and then i took of , drifted 1 corner under full trotlle and it suddenly started dipping bad, i tried to get home so i drove with low trotlle gently.then it got worse and i stopped and i felt that there were air bubles in the fuel line between the fuel filter and the fuel rail, after i fiddled with it it ranfine again, thinking it was a clogged up filter,
Today I checked it and i have fuel preasure but now it wont start at all.

Has anyone have this problem before?

s13eater 07-09-2009 16:18

has it dragged shite up from the tank with drifting it ? then blocked the injectors.take your filter off and empty it onto a white piece of paper and see if theres lots of crap.

sjef200sxTurbo 07-09-2009 18:36

There was some dirt in the filter but il put in a new one just to be safe.
But i got it running again by blocking of the return fuel line.
Its always under high preasure so i think the fpr is broken, il install a adjustable fpr this week.

PukkaSilvia 07-09-2009 21:23

Put a multimeter on the injectors and see if you have a pulse and check you have a spark.

How can you feel bubbles in a fuel line?

sjef200sxTurbo 07-09-2009 21:38

it runs fine now, I just picked the car up couple weeks ago but was standing still for many years. Most of the time it runs really good , only got 60k on the clock.but the previous owner disasembled a lot of stuf that i had to putt back.
So I had some trouble with things missing and loose (like the distributor came of on the way home)
But it seemed i dave pulled a vacium in my fuel line but my fuel pressure regulator seems to be always on open and under high pressure so im gonna instal an aftermarket adjustable one so i can boost it up a bit safely.

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