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s12-newbie 01-12-2009 15:06

s13 throttle body, can i use one?
as the title really, s13 throttle body, can i use one on my s12 intake? is there any fitting probs, do i use the s12 tps or the s13 one?

whats the benfit?

CNHSS1 01-12-2009 15:25

yes you can. Use the s12TPS as its a throttle position switch on the s12 and a throttle position pot on the s13.
on a std or very mildly modded engine, theres no benefit imho

s12-newbie 01-12-2009 15:57


umpkin 01-12-2009 17:27

I thought you have to file out the opening on the inlet to for the bigger throttle body??

s12-newbie 01-12-2009 17:48

i have one thats already done & fitted but if it wont make any gain i may as well run the stock one?????????

30psi 01-12-2009 23:41

The inlet manifold needs removing and boring out a bit to suit

lmrdave 02-12-2009 07:50

I did my first S12 inlet manifold on the car, blockerd the inlet with rags then attacked it with a flapper disc. vac the crap out and remove the rag carefully, an it was fine.
Again don't think there is any point doing it, but if it's already fitted why bother removing it, if it work leave it alone!

sideways danny 05-12-2009 03:59

I've got an inlet that's bored out for an s13 body already.

Done a few of these, it's worthwhile if you have it apart for something else, but a lot of work to do it outright on it's own.

sideways danny 05-12-2009 04:06

I've got an inlet that's bored out for an s13 body already.

Done a few of these, it's worthwhile if you have it apart for something else, but a lot of work to do it outright on it's own.

northerner 08-12-2009 17:50

A Z31 TB is also a straight fit and alot bigger than OE

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