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-   -   Cant start during snow. (http://nissansilvia.co.uk//showthread.php?t=4795)

sjef200sxTurbo 26-12-2009 17:22

Cant start during snow.
My 84 mk1 had some problems starting when it started getting colder but now it started to snow.it doesnt wanna start at al , I have a good spark and 1.9bar fuel preasure. It sometimes seems to want to fire but nevver really does , I haven't been able to drive it al week.
Got new spark plugs , rotor batery fully charged.
I know its hard to tell whitout seeing the car.
But am I the only one here with this problem or are there more silvia s12 drivers that have the same problem?

My 87 never seemd to have this problem.

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