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ianv72 20-03-2006 17:44

headlights not working
hi ppl my s12 is booked in 4 mot tomorrow but the headlights aint working , they were working on sidelights , main beam on both and dip on the off side but not near side . on dip i had a relay clicking so i switched the relays but near side still didnt work so i switched them back & now neither of them are working . the bulbs & fuses are all fine . we tested the current coming through to the headlamps & it is minimal . any ideas ? do you think its just a question of replacing both relays .?:confused:

umpkin 20-03-2006 18:43

light switch on the steering column, seems to ba a common problem, tis the contacts in the bottom of the switch, i managed to clean mine up and now work fine, some of the others on here havnt had the same luck.

ianv72 21-03-2006 17:40

switch is working so is main beam & sidelights again, dip is now working on both sides but very dim & slightly pulsing , any ideas would be appreciated thanks ppl

umpkin 21-03-2006 23:06

i would still say the same, do you know anyone with an S12 you could swap the switch with to test, the switch has seperate terminals inside for each light and beam if each light, the arc out and gradually melt the plastic inside until they no longer make contact, then they work intermitent, then stop all together.

ianv72 24-03-2006 16:12

this problem is now sorted , thanks umpkin ;)

umpkin 25-03-2006 01:03

was it the switch??? tis always good to know, for future reference.

glad its sorted :D

Stephanie S12 10-04-2006 08:52

Headlight not working on dip

I have a similar problem in that one headlight does not work on dip beam, I have changed all the regulator boxes behind the air box, changed the bulb and had the wiring tested but still no luck. The Auto electrician I know eventually gave up telling me it couldnt be fixed !!

Has anyone got any ideas or a spare switch that I could have to try ?


umpkin 10-04-2006 09:42

i seem to remember a few s12 owners in scottyland, if not, silviagod is aways a best bet for any silvia bits. his site is in the link section.

i may take mine off again and do a photo how-to for it, seems alot of these going wrong these days.

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