londonsilvia |
20-05-2010 14:55 |
WOW utter stitch up...
if you all agree we are Serfs... this means we're slaves... our slave master is the Crown/Queen...
when people had slaves, the master was responsible for the slaves and if the slaves broke something the masters had to fork out not the slaves. insurance was a way and also limited liability to pushing the risk into other places i.e. not out of the masters pocket.
we are in a situations today whereby we serfs pay for our National Insurance (covers all accidents and incidents along with medical care) and somehow insurance companies take money from us again... this is totally illegal but now somebody has passed legislation to counter people not having car insurance, so police can act upon it. so instead of police fighting crime, they're becoming policy officers protecting the assets of the rich... oh , i forgot... thats what the police were first brought into life for.
a few of my friends are pretty close at solving this situation and showing everyone how to access the giant mound of funds available to each one of us. this bollox has to end! £2000 - shocking... my friends son has just passed, it cost him £2000 for a 1.4 astra!