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alundra 12-05-2010 21:54

Air regulator/IACV trouble
Hi guys,

I tried to fix my idle. In cold situation, the idle doesn't go over 1000rpms according the FSM, it must go to 1500rpms range than reduce slowly to 750rpms+/-50. Mine oscilates between 650/800,

I tried to find a ECU code error, nothing. I tried to find a leak, nothing too. So i tested different sensors:MAF, water temp, detonation sensor, spark plugs+wires, timing and distributor rotor and stator, no success.

So i tested the IACV/air regulator thing. According the FSM the device itself must have continuity between the 2 pins, not mine.
I bought a second hand IACV, it doesn't have the continuity, according the seller it came from a car that runned good.

So i'd like to know if someone has a good cold start, how it shows on your tachymeter and if he can test the continuity between the 2 pins on it.

I'll appreciate that ;)

seb.racing 13-05-2010 11:09

le réglage du ralenti, ce fait moteur chaud

évite d'utilisé le compte-tour tableau de bord comme référence

moi j'utilise le compt-tour digital de ma lampe strombe;)

alundra 13-05-2010 11:14

In hot condition, the idle is ok and i don't have a timing light gun with a rpms function.

steves12zx 01-06-2010 01:11

my car is exactly the same :( I fitted one off an s13 but it turns out that one was broken too :(

alundra 01-06-2010 12:03

Seems the s13 iacv is different, a small hole between the holes for the bolts, right?

Someday i'll try to block the upperhose to feint the system.

steves12zx 01-06-2010 13:34

To be honest i hadn't noticed a difference :confused: just know it still doesn't work. Nissan can supply me a new one but it costs £120+

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