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-   -   santa pod jap show anyone up for a meet (http://nissansilvia.co.uk//showthread.php?t=5192)

caz4244@essex 23-09-2010 09:43

santa pod jap show anyone up for a meet

hi just looking to see if we could get a stand or if any one would like to meet up

s12pickup 23-09-2010 23:53

re santa pod
sun 3rd oct 2010 is that the one.id be up for it in me manky pickup.anybody else interested though.:)

zombiemax69 24-09-2010 21:21

I might going to this... will be in my bluebird turbo though as I am silvia less at the mo.

s12pickup 24-09-2010 23:09

re pod
keep me posted if you decide to go .you come past mine on way i think j30 m1.:)

caz4244@essex 25-09-2010 12:22

Sound good maybe we can have a retro jap show for us us ha ha

s12pickup 25-09-2010 14:37

re pod
int there nobody else up for this .can see me bein sat in a field on me own with poxy little tent and some tinnies.surely must be some more s12 s up for it.anybody else up this way (derbyshire,lincolnshire etc)fancy going.:)

s12pickup 25-09-2010 14:49

re pod
anyway just checked and gates open 8am next sat,so ill be hitting m1 j30 about 7ish .hope some of you can make it.price 25 pound for weekend with camping cant be bad.:)

zombiemax69 25-09-2010 23:06

I'll let you know mate, trying to get my mate to bring his ps13 down too : )

s12pickup 26-09-2010 03:13

re pod
nice one.:)

s12pickup 29-09-2010 07:49

re pod
just checkin if anyones going to jap show or not.

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