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sunny1600 18-04-2011 11:48

[S12] FJ20E normal chain rattle or do I have a problem?
[S12] FJ20E normal chain rattle or do I have a problem?
Hi guys

My silvia S12 GP with FJ20E makes a strange rattle. I have read about the mazda chain tensioner and typical FJ20E rattle on FJ20.com but I am wondering if this sound is normal?
It does exactly like they said that it does rattle when started but it also rattles when I hit the 2000RPM area.

I have included a video of it. Some advice please guys.



s13eater 18-04-2011 15:40


Originally Posted by sunny1600 (Post 37029)
[S12] FJ20E normal chain rattle or do I have a problem?
Hi guys

My silvia S12 GP with FJ20E makes a strange rattle. I have read about the mazda chain tensioner and typical FJ20E rattle on FJ20.com but I am wondering if this sound is normal?
It does exactly like they said that it does rattle when started but it also rattles when I hit the 2000RPM area.

I have included a video of it. Some advice please guys.



i've used the mazda tentioner :)

sunny1600 18-04-2011 15:41

Yes but I have also read that the chain rattle should be gone when engine is on temperature. In my case it still rattles about the 2000 RPM

s12sweden 19-04-2011 23:07

where was not a good sound from FJ20E , hope you find the problem

northerner 20-04-2011 08:15

Has it done Hi mileage? If it has it may have stretched a little

sunny1600 20-04-2011 09:04

Car has done approx 185.000 KMs

sunny1600 20-04-2011 11:09

Just ordered the mazda chain tensioner.
Should be at the dealer in 2 days. Maybe replacing this one next week.

s13eater 20-04-2011 14:50


Originally Posted by sunny1600 (Post 37051)
Just ordered the mazda chain tensioner.
Should be at the dealer in 2 days. Maybe replacing this one next week.

you do need to do a little grinding on it to make it fit, you will see when you offer it up.

sunny1600 20-04-2011 15:10

Yes I know. My buddy has done this before with another FJ20E so it should be no problem.
Have you done it to your FJ?

sunny1600 18-05-2011 01:23

Replaced the chain tensioner with the mazda version. Problem solved some time ago. Thanks

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