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ollymk4escort 19-07-2011 20:27

Running rich ca18et conversion. help Please
Ive just just finished fitting my ca18et into my mk1 escort. took it for mot today and it passed aok. trouble is i put 15 quid in it and did 25 miles in it and almost used it all. It is running real rich you can smell it real strong when following behind.

So what could this be??

have i connected the fuel pipes up correctly??
My inlet pipe is connected to the rail and the return is after the regulator. I thought maybe the inlet pipe may go before the regulator.

Also there is no knock sensor connected as they have taken this away.

no exhaust sensor(o2 sensor??)

Any ideas to try and sort this problem as i cant use the car costing that much to run lol.

thanks in advance.

umpkin 19-07-2011 20:42

the pipes sound the correct way round, inlet to rail, but the et is common to have fuel pressure reg problems, ive had 2 go so far, stock fuel pressure should be about 36 psi at idle. my first one was fubbered running at 60 - 80. try and get a gauge on it to test. no sense changing it if you dont know its nackered.

else it could be air flow sensor, timming, erm ecu, thats me out of ideas.

ollymk4escort 19-07-2011 22:14

I've ordered a new regulator anyway it was only a tenner so it's worth trying. I'll see if I can get a gauge tester.
If the reg is shot would it still be rich at half to full throttle?? Airfilter is in amongst hot air in the bay? Maybe an issue

umpkin 19-07-2011 23:15

my air filter is also in the engine bay.

when my first reg went, it was a pig to start when warm, kind of flooded the engine, when the second one went, the car just stank of fuel, and also kicked out dark smoke under acceleration, i got an adjustable rising rate from ebay, came with gauge, seemed to cure all my problems. well that was untill the big ends went a couple of months ago, now tis off the road till funds allow it to return, lol

ollymk4escort 20-07-2011 06:03

Gutted lol

I'll try this reg and see what happens. 12 mpg can't be right:(

PukkaSilvia 20-07-2011 09:58

fuel pressure regulaot or vacuum leaks are the only real things that can cause this.
i had an et with a shitty regulator and its fuel economy was crazy.

just swap the complete rail and reg with one from someone off the foruum. its not a bad job to do

does it stall at all? as if so its a vacuum/boost leak

s13eater 20-07-2011 10:44

just swap the complete rail and reg with one from someone off the forum. then they will have crap mpg,job done,lol.:D

ollymk4escort 20-07-2011 18:40

well i have another fuel rail here from another engine but ive also got a guage coming tonight to test the pressure.

Would i put the guage between the pump and rail or after the old regulator.??

northerner 20-07-2011 19:47

Probably just before. Are you sure that One or more of your injectors are partially stuck open? Ie bore wash. Fuel reg is the likely condidate but could also be a knackered afm

ollymk4escort 20-07-2011 20:20

Would it run rough with a knackered afm??
Possible boost leak around crossover pipe ends as it does stall when pulling up to a junction with brakes on

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