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caz4244@essex 11-10-2011 21:54

how many s12 left
is thier anyway to find out how many s12 thier are left in the uk ??

bigdaves12 12-10-2011 02:42

howmanyleft.co.uk - not many mate!

paulsilv 18-10-2011 23:31


MY GOD:eek:

I cannot believe there are so few left. We definitely need to up our game Boys and Girls and start taking our cars to a lot more shows and give the S12 the presence it deserves as a Great Car of the 80's

bigdaves12 19-10-2011 00:28


Originally Posted by paulsilv (Post 38211)

MY GOD:eek:

I cannot believe there are so few left. We definitely need to up our game Boys and Girls and start taking our cars to a lot more shows and give the S12 the presence it deserves as a Great Car of the 80's

i was just thinking about that the other day. S12's are so under rated imo, need to show them off! (as soon as mine is done just can't find time atm :( )

tim murphy 19-10-2011 20:38

how is your silvia going bigdave have you done much to her laterly ;) cheers

bigdaves12 19-10-2011 22:55


Originally Posted by tim murphy (Post 38217)
how is your silvia going bigdave have you done much to her laterly ;) cheers

tbh not much. Last thing i did to it was completely strip out the interior and got the back bumper off. The back wasn't as bad as i was expecting so its ok.

The state of my garage and the cold is putting me off doing work. Think i just have to man up and crack on with it lol. Also read that bilt hamber rust prevention products dont work well in temperatures lower then 10 degrees c :confused:

What about yours mate hows it going?

tim murphy 20-10-2011 22:14

am in the same boat working outside on her wind blowing a bitch and cold took off fuel pipes and exhauts claps one snap bolt not to bad try to get one job none at a time 2 mos starting on sand blasting if dry ;) cheers ps keep doing one thing each day

bigdaves12 20-10-2011 23:55

I was thinking about sand blasting the other day but have no clue on how to go about it or the equipment etc. do you have any tips or guides?

tim murphy 21-10-2011 23:01

hi am useing a compresser and a sand blasting kit with grit small problem with blasting gun not the right hose clamp will work out good in small areas and can reuse the grit let you now how i get on with it 2 mos dave ;) cheer ps good two see ours silvias back on the road in notts . :)

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