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E11 10-04-2006 19:35

Jon ...
good to see you on the weekend and you and your gall are keeping well

did you enjoy the show... although it was a bit dead and full of crap :1la

the Lancia Stratos was a very nice replica...

PukkaSilvia 10-04-2006 19:58

yeah good to see you too. The gearing company you work for seem good. the build of that diff/reverse box was top notch.It took me a while to understand what i was looking at. Clever bit of kit.

The show was good but it seems that most kit car owners are actually mongs. Most of them looked like they had walked straight off the set of league of gentlemen.

I am still interested in building a kit car. I may just finish the bodywork and interior on my s12 in the next month beforehand. Im considering either Royal blue or gloss black.

As for a kit car it wont be motorbike engined, it will be s12 powered :D . Its got to be done.

The lancia stratos kit wasnt for me but i may help build it for claires dad. I got the details of the company so a visit to the factory to see a more in depth build detial and quality can be done

E11 12-04-2006 18:53

yea that sounds a good idea..

its all about the neat build and farication attention to detail sort of thing with kit cars otherwise it just looks bodgy...

a s12 would be quite rapid in a kit car... heavy lump would be ideal for a mid engined subrframe mounting otherwise you might get terrible understeer...

yea show was a bit dull but im up coventry next weekend at the main kit car show in england for the life of me can't remember the name!

E11 12-04-2006 18:55


good old google.. :D

Claire 12-04-2006 20:21

I have pictures from the Kit car show if you want me to post them :)

PukkaSilvia 12-04-2006 20:46

You could upload a couple at www.imageshack.us and post them up

E11 14-04-2006 17:35


Originally Posted by Claire
I have pictures from the Kit car show if you want me to post them :)

yes why not put some good ones up..

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