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essexmarc 30-09-2012 22:51

finally registered
hi everyone thanks to nedge ive managed to register on here for advice on my recently aquired s12.im marc from southend on sea essex.
i bought my 1984 s12 on ebay for the sum of £420 in august before researching how rare parts are for them lol.
anyway its a 1984 ca18et silvia in black.ive done a full service on it inc all belts and seems to have a misfire when cold but clears when hot.wondered if anyone has any ideas.
also replaced discs and pads all round as it had been stood for 5 years.unfortunately there is some tin worm damage to it which i intend on getting stuff into with a welder.
anyway heres a pic of it

hi again :)

nedge2k 02-10-2012 18:42

welcome :)

regarding the misfire, checkout SilviaGod's site for troubleshooting tips.

bigdaves12 02-10-2012 20:25

Welcome bud! first one I've seen with an old school roof rack, there's plenty of people here happy to help. Regarding the misfire, my first course of action would be to get some spark plug testers and see which one isn't firing then go from there.

p.s. I am in no way an expert, just an ambitious enthusiast!;)

EDIT: What's it like rust wise? any cause for concern?

essexmarc 02-10-2012 23:32

hey nedge and dave.i been told the silvia never had option for a roof rack but it looks factory esp as the rails have been riveted to the roof :(.rust wise the bottom of passenger front wing has come away which needs reattaching.pass side rear arch where mud flap attaches to needs attention and the rear arches are starting to crumble.anyone know what arches i can sculpt on as i doubt ill be able to buy replacement panels for it lol :D

bigdaves12 02-10-2012 23:38

your right mate, replacement panels aren't available. I've heard the hillman imp sills are the same profile as the s12 but I made my own on mine. Get some more pics up lad it'll motivate me to get my arse moving on mine lol

essexmarc 02-10-2012 23:47

ah interesting cheers dave,havent taken any more pics yet but theres a few from the ebay ad u linked a while back.thats the one i bought :D

nedge2k 03-10-2012 09:12

you can get fiberglass front wings for a limited time.

guy said they were looking at doing the rears too :)

essexmarc 03-10-2012 23:26

thanks for the link nedge.front wings arent in that bad a condition tbh just pass side front has come away.gonna clean it up and attempt to weld a tidy plate to it then weld back to car and seal it.should do the trick lol

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