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sunny1600 13-03-2014 17:07

Japfest Castle Combe 2014
Hi lads,

who else is going to JF Castle Combe on the 10th of May?

I will go there and have booked two sessions tracktime.
Both intermediate sessions so I hopefully wont have to duck tupperware :D
Sessions L 12:48 and S 14:54 h.

Here is the roadtrip I have ahead.


Perhaps till then?


kturner1988 13-03-2014 19:14

looks like all the track time has gone but i will be there.

sunny1600 14-03-2014 09:12

Yeah mate it is all sold out ages ago.

Japfest 2 Donington Park still has tracktime available I believe.

I will be at the NPOC (Primera owners) stand with the S12 while not on track.

sunny1600 15-05-2014 14:45

Did anybody go to Japfest?

S12tucjafri 27-09-2014 14:22

Saw your s12gp on track looked awesome first time I'd seen one for age,s and probably the only one at japfest kills me to see mine in such a state on my drive

sunny1600 27-09-2014 16:48

Thanks mate.

Havent seen one at Japfest either. Time you guys pull the sheets of the car and drive it to Japfest or JAE as a club.

At JAE there are some every year. The white one from NED and I have seen a red one a few years back. I believe the owners name was Dave and he is/was on this forum too? There is also every year a grey one from the Netherlands from my friend Peter with the Dutch Nissanclub.

S12tucjafri 29-09-2014 09:52

Saw the silver one at jae took pictures so did my wife she was impressed and gave me her blessings to get mine up and running again 8 years in hibernation it's the only car I've missed driving something about the s12 drive and feel the smell of petrol luv it need it back in my life.
Keep up the good work on yours :)

sunny1600 29-09-2014 12:39

It got the award for best foreign car at JAE.

So your wife wasnt the only one impressed with it. :D

S12tucjafri 29-09-2014 16:28

No me like too:)

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