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PukkaSilvia 27-06-2006 00:39

For those of you who havnt followed its progress on the forums see the main website

It definatly deserves to be put in the links section.. :cool:

FLEXXX 27-06-2006 16:03

bloody hell my hat off to this silvia from what it was to what it is bloody awsome loving the kit along with the engine mods thats one sorted silvia better wide arch kit than the original wide arch kit

silveR 17-10-2006 13:40

Hi all, thanks to Pukkasilvia for putting the link up :) I've been forgetting to write on here but will try and improve my manners in the future.

I ended up 5th overall in the 2006 Roadsport A category points with the Silvia, I think it's the highest ever for a Jap car of any make or model. This despite having to postpone the debute race till the third start of the season (7 total).

The car is now waiting for further mods with another broken gear box. The aim is to get several podium finishes in 2007, which I think is possible. With the stage 1.5 setup I finished 4th in the season ending race, my home course though and the one best suitable for power cars too.

See you and I might make a project topic when the evolution for stage 2 begins for real!


Speedycougar 29-10-2007 13:58

He did mention on SXOC about that amazing handworked bodykit, that some idiot had messed him around with an order for one, and was unlikely to make anymore because of that :(

We were all amazed at how well he did in the teams first season given some of the top runners had been doing it for over 10 years!

I still love that car and it is the main reason I actually started looking at S12's after I sold my S14a. So thankyou Markus for getting me into S12's :)


mr_turbo 08-11-2007 23:58

love the car it looks an animal!! watched all the vids on youtube aswell lol good going mate

s13eater 09-11-2007 02:03

loverly lookin car, lots of work on the chassis, but needs more power, ok for the track though.

baadman28 10-06-2008 05:42

Very good!!! Support !wow goldwow gold wow gold wow gold wow gold

Speedycougar 10-06-2008 07:47

Checked the website every now and then but it seems to have gone all quiet? Anyone know if his team are still racing? Was an awesome project and car :) I have an S13 now (after an s14a), but still actually want an s12 mainly because of this guy.


s12sweden 07-03-2011 22:15

http://www.racesilvia.com/ is wery good website , but l can not any Finnish , it is sad :(

SimonMitch 17-03-2020 19:05

It looks like they still do some S12 cage parts but that's about it :(

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