S12OC UK Forum

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JamesS12 04-07-2006 20:51

Hey another new one for ya
Hi, im James Lawrence, i live in gloucester, had my Silvia Turbo for 4 months now, virtually standard in metallic light blue!

Il try and get pics up soon

If anyone has any good ideas on how to fit a front mount intercooler, (because i really cant figure out where the pipes can go) please let me know!

Cheers, James

PukkaSilvia 04-07-2006 21:01

New members popping up everywhere:D

most people get rid of the mechanical rad fan and fit a slim line electric fan and utilise that space to incorporate an intercooler.

Are you going to jae this year,as you could see examples and get ideas from our stand there.your welcome to park your s12 up too;)

JamesS12 04-07-2006 21:10

no i cant cos i ave to work, i will turn up if by miracle i get the chance!! i think it mite have been u i met down at bolney earlia in the year! youve got my mate liams old wheels on your car, not sure if you remember!! cheers for the advice!

PukkaSilvia 04-07-2006 21:49

oh hello. yep i remember. The jap meet was pretty good.

Shame you cant make it to jae/

Liams s12 was a nice one. it was a shame to see that broken up for parts.

look forward to seeing some pics

ianv72 04-07-2006 22:46

hiya mate i just up the road from you , i havent seen another s12 around here for years

FLEXXX 05-07-2006 16:40

welcome to the site mate

DriftNinja 05-07-2006 16:58

Welcome! :D

Claire 05-07-2006 17:18

Hi, welcome to the site. :D

JamesS12 12-07-2006 21:02


Originally Posted by ianv72
hiya mate i just up the road from you , i havent seen another s12 around here for years

How mad is that, i often see an old B plate red one going round, its got over 300k on it though!!! where in gloucester are you? mine has been in gloucester for years, bought it off my mates dad! chers for the welcome by the way! sure i'll see you soon!

ianv72 13-07-2006 17:44

i live in the sticks mate in the forest of dean , no wonder i aint seen another one about is it , some people out here still have a horse and cart :D

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