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Jeff 22-07-2006 18:33

Picked up my S12 today
Sold my 300bhp S13 a fortnight ago as I just wasn't using it enough to justify the cost. Today I replaced it with this:


It's standard besides the alloys and the infamous SE Nissan Boost upgrade.

The pictures make it look a lot nicer than it is but at 350 quid I'm pretty happy with it so far :)

umpkin 22-07-2006 21:44

welcome to the site m8, looks quite a tidy car you got there.

northerner 22-07-2006 22:39

Nice one, welcome. Next mod IC then ?

Jeff 22-07-2006 23:42


Originally Posted by northerner
Nice one, welcome. Next mod IC then ?

I'm hoping to improve the handling first as it's currently a bit... odd. Feels a bit like you're driving on ice when you go round a corner - I'm assuming they're not all like that?? :confused:

Umpkin - the photos really do flatter it, there's a big patch of laquer missing on one rear arch and load of cracked filler in the other :mad: Hoping I can tidy it up a bit though :)

PukkaSilvia 23-07-2006 20:36

There getting old cars so the 80s suspension and jacked up springs have probably softened even further. They can handle really well with a set of -40 springs from Avo.
It looks like a bargain for £350. IMO Any car with an mot is worth at least that let alone a rwd turboed Japanese vehical.


s13eater 24-07-2006 17:12

you've done the best thing, s12's:cool: .

toytoy 24-07-2006 19:02

beauty S12 ;)

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