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Claire 26-07-2006 11:43

JAE Photos
I have just had a look on the JAE photographers website and Shauns and Dens cars were photographed. :cool:


Here are the photo references: DSC_8061, DSC_8063 and DDJ_1132

I should have my photos on the site this weekend :) If anyone else has any pictures please email them to Richard.

30psi 26-07-2006 12:33

Forgot to ask at JAE if you are you still using a normal SLR as opposed to a digi SLR?

Claire 26-07-2006 16:26

I have an SLR, I am looking into getting a new camera but can not afford it at the moment :( The decent ones cost about £500+

30psi 26-07-2006 16:30

You should get a digi one, you can go mad using it and not worry about costs of producing the pics. Also you can experiment... I got a tripod as well now, which is almost essential for action stuff

EDIT - Yeah the 350D for example is a bit expensive

s13eater 26-07-2006 22:02


Originally Posted by 30psi
I got a tripod as well now, which is almost essential for sexual action stuff.


s13eater 26-07-2006 22:15

oh yeah, claire, try and get pics up b4 the 3rd as i go away on me hols and would like to see the pics b4 i go, cheers,:)

Claire 27-07-2006 11:39


Originally Posted by s13eater
oh yeah, claire, try and get pics up b4 the 3rd as i go away on me hols and would like to see the pics b4 i go, cheers,:)

I will try my hardest. Once I have got them I will have to send them to Richard so he can make them look pretty. I hope the pictures come out ok otherwise Richard will have a lot of work to do :o
When are you back from your holiday?

Claire 28-07-2006 16:54

This is what the sky looked like just before we had the big storm :(



s13eater 28-07-2006 19:58


Originally Posted by Claire
I will try my hardest. Once I have got them I will have to send them to Richard so he can make them look pretty. I hope the pictures come out ok otherwise Richard will have a lot of work to do :o
When are you back from your holiday?

i'am back off holiday on the 3rd of september claire.

RichardK 28-07-2006 22:13

Come on Claire get yer arse in gear and sort the pics out for me :trout


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