S12OC UK Forum

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S12KWA 02-12-2005 21:24

hello everyone
just joined the site. Iam from the north east, had a D reg s12 about 4 years
ago going to get another one when i sell my current car.
I bet they cost more to buy now!
thinking of getting a 2.0 DOHC one this time.
mist one in the ad trader this summer it had been stood for years 1986'C
(last year made?) in blue but it was sold when i phoned up

P.S did this sight used to be www.speedfreeks?

PukkaSilvia 02-12-2005 21:38

I started off with a site called www.speed-junkies.co.uk back in the day/ I still have the Url but the site is offline now.

The Fj s12's are getting rare as are they all. 30psi had one and said it was good to drive, Personally i like haveing a turboed engine as it is simpler to tune to a competitive power on a low budget. Unless i was planning turboeing the Fj or putting it on throttle bodies/twin 45s i would always go for the 1.8 turbo engine.

Good luck finding one. they do turn up regularly.Check Ebay or s12oc classifieds regularly and you should get in luck.

Would you be interested in s12oc events next year?


S12KWA 04-12-2005 20:02

I ment speedfreaks, got mixed up!
Your right about the turbos being easyer/cheaper to tune. Probs struggle to get more than 160 b.h.p from d.o.h.c without spending big money on carbs etc. like you said.
Will probs end up with a turbo anyway the d.o.h.c's are v. rare, been about 10-12 years since ive seen one!
I was thinking they might be a bit easyer to control (no turbo kicking in)
+i remember the 240RS rallycars and the engine looks similar!

If my budget will allow i might be up for something next year but events are allways miles away!

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