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indecisive 04-08-2006 21:49

ca18det relay wiring?
Can somebody post up how the wiring for the ca18det relays for ECU and fuel pump are wired?

All I can find is that, I need them, but not any specific information.

Please dont' post that list of wires by pukkasilvia, I've seen it and I'm still not completely sure. Relays have more connections than just the one.

Also, the S12 relays can be modified? What modifications need to be made? I'm sure the S13 relays can be bought somewhere, If somebody knows the relay type, that woudl be greatly appreciated.

Jeff 04-08-2006 22:25

Try the EL (or maybe the EF & EC) section of the S13 manual. That also covers the type of relays used I think.

Right click and save as :)


PukkaSilvia 05-08-2006 00:42


Originally Posted by indecisive
Please dont' post that list of wires by pukkasilvia, I've seen it and I'm still not completely sure. Relays have more connections than just the one.

Won't be needing my help then :trout

If you know what a relay does then its pretty simple to know how to wire it up. cheeky bugger lol

indecisive 05-08-2006 00:48

ahha well, I was told that they're non standard relays, so the wiring is different.

ARE they the normal 4 pin relays? ground, 12v constant, accessory, and then jump the last one to one of the others(dont' remember..haven't messed with relays in a bit)

If that's the case..then oh shit that's easy heh.

What about the ECU relay tho? Doesn't that get 12v constant anyways?

edit: thanks jeff, all the FSMs I could find weren't like this and it was all named oddly and seperated.

PukkaSilvia 05-08-2006 00:55

you will have one of these relays by your battery at the moment. Its the green one. go have a look at that one. The relays for the det conversion are all the same as that. Take one to a motor factors and get a couple more.

Or get the ones out the s13 like in the brief pointers list :)

Im grumpy excuse my last post. its 1am and my mouth tastes of 1000 cigerettes

indecisive 05-08-2006 00:59

as always jon..you rock :D

I have those relays

Thanks for putting up with my questions again heh.

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