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PukkaSilvia 03-12-2005 19:25

S12 Powered Manta Gte
Yep this is the xmas plan for me and Dr Silvia. I am finding and donating the shell and he is donating the 55k ca18et engine and loom......This car is going to be something crazy........ :D :p

s13eater 04-12-2005 20:43

fantastic, i have always loved the manta, my father had the gte coupe, i was 17 at the time, i've still got the info somewhere for the courteny manta, i've seen 16v and 16v calibra tubby conversions, even a chevy v8 one at trax that i video'ed, keep me up to date.:D :trout and have a trout for good measures:D

E11 05-12-2005 18:36

good luck with that jon sounds like a nice little project :)

Dr Silvia 05-12-2005 18:42

cheers we'll be starting once a suitable shell is found, this is going to be a sideline project for us, mostly so we can have a spare car :D

E11 08-12-2005 19:29

cheap on here.....


looks in not bad nik

RichardK 08-12-2005 23:44

Wicked :D

My mum had a gold Manta GTE when I was about 9 !

Best of luck with it guys :D

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