Thread: top speed
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Old 29-12-2005, 23:59
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kennyboy kennyboy is offline
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Default top speed

hello peebs,
Shawn is correct i did kick some skyline arse that day, allan could only manage 133 on the 1.25 mile stretch and i did 137.9( with a fooked motor aswell) and i rubbed his nose in it by holding my ticket infront of him as he was talking to one of his skyline buddies

I reckon shawn , the power you'll have out of the beast will pull the limiter in fifth.
I have seen the the end of the 150 mph on my private test track of coarse,
have a speedo shot somewhere will scan it , that will make everybody smile.
With the correct conditions, i reckon its possible.

212bhp at the wheels on standard internals.
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