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Old 12-11-2006, 20:10
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andy s12 andy s12 is offline
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Default just bought my first s12

hi everyone just bought an s12 always liked them .i already have a s13 but is of the road and needs a lot of work to get her on the road. i just had a mad moment the other day and bought the s12 from ebay for £150 traveled from glasgow to hampshire (mad i know) but you just cant get them up in scotland . think the turbo is on its way out as it is smoking going to replace it with my t 25 from the s13 and see if that helps it also has a welided diff which i will replace (good for driftdays but not much else ) i have noticed that some one posted about it on ebay
does any one know the car or have owned it in the past ?

cheers andy
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