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Old 13-11-2006, 20:49
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andy s12 andy s12 is offline
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Originally Posted by datdrift
ive driven that car a mate of mine went to look at it, but it was up for £500 then so he dident get it, the boost pipes were all a bit shoddy, and it looked like the exhaust manifold studs were a bit bodged, but can't really remember now? when i drove it i dident think it went as well as my s12 with the t2 still onit, but for £150 you can't really complain
hi mate the boost pipes are shoddy but the manifold studs are new.
it is smoking alot now i am going to put my t25 on it and see if that sorts it but this breather is missing would this cause it to smoke
the car does need work but the body is a lot better than my s13 which needs a lot of wielding and new brake lines to get i road worthy so i was thinking of striping it and using all the parts that i can for the s12
pic not working it is the one coming off the rocker cover

Last edited by PukkaSilvia; 13-11-2006 at 21:39.
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