Thread: LSD 300zx
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Old 13-11-2006, 22:51
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I read the LSD threads on the other forum, thanks for the info 30psi!

Don't know if i have understand it correctly, you need:

- s13 lsd diff internals
- short s12 shaft from left side(so need to buy a second one from scapyard, or make it shorter)
- s13 vlsd right input shaft
- s12 output shaft left - "machined like the s13 vlsd input shaft" Does this mean that you have to fabricate it to the same shape as the s13 input shaft?
I don't really understand this

And that's all that's neaded right? Please correct me if i'm wrong

Is it by the way hard to change the s13 internals to the s12 diff casing?
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