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Old 13-11-2006, 23:53
Abunai S-12 Drifter's Avatar
Abunai S-12 Drifter Abunai S-12 Drifter is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Portland (aka Funky Town), Oregon, USA
Posts: 21
Abunai S-12 Drifter is an unknown quantity at this point
Default JDM S13 Steering Wheel

I don't know if this would be called ICE but the ladies sure love it . Lol. I got a JDM S13 steering wheel off of ebay for $70 shipped. Popped rite on. It's a perfect steering wheel. My stock wheel was a bitch to get off though. I didn't have a wheel remover thing. So I used a rubber mallet & beat it until it came off. Also the wheel is smaller than my original one.

Heres a pic of it:
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Me & My D1 Spec S12
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