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Old 14-11-2006, 15:59
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Japster Japster is offline
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Japster is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
Oh my god Umpkin don't tempt him,

Why didnt you call any of yours Silvia Shaun?

lol! - hmm...

Took a drive out in it t'other night! - Master clutch cylinder's leaking, but it still went like stink with the new battery in - waheeeeyy!... She's back on the drive now awaiting S13Eater's care and attention!

...oh yeah - the baby! :-

Thanks for all of the nice comments guys! - She's now been named, and it's not quite as good as the above suggestion, but hey! - it's.... "Emily Louise Evans" - and yep, Lorna's looking a little slimmer now - she got even bigger (and i'm talking Hoo-j!) before the birth - was a 7lb 10oz monster!...

another ruddy girl though! - I'm never gonna win an argument (or get to use the bathroom) in my own house again!

Well, all the best guys, and seriously - cheers for all the comments - we'll have to belatedly celebrate at the next bash (though for S13Eater this'll probably be Saturday! )

(DAMN! - Me mowtah goes like stink now - ho yeah, the wonders a decent battery can do!)
Only 450+ BHP from a 1.8? (Well, until I can run big boost again ) - Still, back on the road and looking for victims - Muhaahaahaaa!....

Yep - I fookin' love me beast ...

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