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Old 15-11-2006, 21:50
umpkin umpkin is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Essex
Posts: 904
umpkin will become famous soon enough

they should be originally 14mm spanner

i found i just had to fiddle till it came out tbh, tis realy a pain in the ass nut.

answer to 1. it should be a T2 as std, yes the S12 has water cooling on the T2 i think the most comon way to tell if its a T2 is count the studs on the turbo to elbow connection T2 has 4, T25 or T28 has 5.

answer to 2. only the oil one will fit i think, but it has to have the mk2 engine in it, the mk1 has a completely different oil line to the turbo. the mk2 oil pipe is short and comes from just behind the power steering pump next to the turbo, the mk1 pipe comes from a T bit that also supplies the oil pressure sender under behind the alternator, i shouldnt think the water lines will fit.

some on here say you dont need the water lines anyway, so you could just undo them and block them off at the block end.

Last edited by umpkin; 15-11-2006 at 21:55.
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